Artist Don Capp
Don is an avid hunter, glodal wildlife taxidermy artist, carpenter and owner of Capp's Taxidermy Studio LLC. Don has hunted most American , African animals and several exotic animals. Don has been running a successful full time taxidermy studio for the past 43+ years and has won many state and national competition awards in several categories. But Mainly has the respect and abmiration of some amazing worldwide hunters that I can call my clients.
- Don Capp's Taxidermy is proficient in all forms of taxidermy and offers a highest level of artistic imagination The very open mind.
- Don belongs to many hunting/ wildlife groups and a life member of SCI, NRA . And contribute to conservation at home and worldwide
- Don is federal- and state-licensed taxidermy artist and is a USDA approved establishment to clear all international trophies in studio.